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4.2 Real Time Data
Real Time Data is measurement data that is collect every time Battery Console polls the device. The default poll interval is once/sec. It provides a dashboard for the battery test session as it is proceeding. This display provides an instant picture of the situation and what is happening at any given time. Data includes instantaneous measurements and accumulated data for the step currently operating. Use ↓ button to show more fields. Use ↑ button to hide fields.
The following fields are included in the Real Time Data display:
Data Field
Description |
Voltage | Battery Voltage in Volts. |
Current | Current in mA or A. Discharge current has a neg sign unless the ABS option is enabled. |
Step Time | Time duration of the present step. Format:HHH:MM:SS |
Total Time | Total elapsed time of the session. Session starts when the reset step is executed. Format:HHH:MM:SS |
Cycle | This is Counter 1 which is typically used as a cycle counter. |
Step No | The Step No currently in effect. |
mAH | Input or output charge expressed in mAH or AH depending on option used. Discharge uses a neg sign unless the ABS option is enabled. |
Result | The actual AH measurement as a percentage of the Rated Capacity. |
Count 2 | General use counter. It is cleared at the beginning of each new session. |
Bat Temp | Battery temperature in °C when using optional temperature measurement cable. |
W | Power in Watts being delivered to/from battery. |
WH | Energy in Watt-Hours being delivered to/from battery. |
Count3 | A special counter that only gets reset on power off/on. It does not get cleared with a new session. It can be used as a session counter for daily/weekly production counts. This counter is incremented at the beginning of each Reset step. |
Int Temp | Temperature inside device as measured near heat sink. |