
Programs are structured files that contain all of the details, step and routing instructions that define how a routine will operate. The program operates by moving from one step to another as defined by the Routing Statements.

Using XMLNotepad for Program Editor

Programs are written and developed as XML files. In order to program custom routines you will first need to create a new blank template.  See: Menu/Program/New

Once the template is created it can be edited using any XML editing program. The recommended program for this is XML Notepad. This is a free editing tool from Microsoft.  Download here: XML Notepad

There are 6 sections in the XML file where program information and instructions are stored.

Details: Overall Program settings
Battery: Information about the battery
Messages: Custom Messages to user
Routing: Routing statements that control operation
Steps: Parameters for each step
Pulsing: Pulsing definitions

Editing an existing program is straight forward.  Just open the xml file with the xml editor, edit the file as required and then save.    Once the file is saved it can be opened in Battery Console for Preview or Loading into the device.  For convenience, during program development and debugging, the Battery Console application includes a Preview window that will provide a comprehensive listing of the program.  This Preview window displays the program details in an easy to read format for development, review and debugging.  If the Program is already open in Battery Console, when a change is made to the XML file using the editor, then just save the file in the XML editor then reopen the Preview window to refresh the program view.

Developing a new program is an iterative process:

Program Development Workflow