
The Routine menu contains a list of standard routines that can be used to manage the battery. Selecting any of the these routines will begin the process of loading the routine into the Battery Metric device.  Note that the routine typically does not begin just by loading it.  Usually you will need to begin the session by clicking the Start button if a battery is already connected.  Alternatively the routines are setup to be started if a new battery is connected.  If a battery is already connected when the routine is loaded then it can be started by removing and reconnecting the battery.  By having the session begin with the connection of a battery allows for operation of the device without being controlled by the computer.  This creates the opportunity to operate the Battery Metric device in a stand alone situation separate from the computer.  Of course you still need to use the Battery Console application to load the routine, but once the routine is loaded is can be used and reused repeated by just connecting new batteries.  The routine will reside in the Battery Metric device and persist even after the power is turned off.  By simply powering up the device is is ready to continue to be used for new Battery Test sessions without having to reload the routine.

Charge: This with load the Charge routine required for the type of battery and other parameters specified in the setup parameters.

Discharge: This with load the Discharge routine required with the discharge parameters specified in the setup parameters.

Charge: This with load the Charge routine required for the type of battery and other parameters specified in the setup parameters.

Cycle: This with load the Cycle routine required for the type of battery and other parameters specified in the setup parameters.

Recover: Some routines will not operate if the battery voltage is out of range.  This routine can be used this to apply a recover charge to a depleted battery.  The duration is specified in the profile

Load Test:  Perform a load test using the discharge current and discharge interval specified in the parameters.

Standard Routines are only available when in Quick Setup or Profile Setup mode. Click the appropriate setup tab to select setup mode.