Memory Organization

The Battery Metric device has 64 pages of flash memory available for your program. There are 3 requirements for the use of these memory pages:

  1. Store the instructions for each individual step.

  2. Save the results data after a step terminates for display in the virtual console.

  3. Hold the memo data.

Each step will require one page to store the instructions for that step. The page number is the same as the step number. So, for example, if your program has 20 steps, then memory pages 1 to 20 will be used to store the step instructions. In this case the Results Data will be stored starting with Page 21 and will advance forward for each step that is programmed to save Results Data.

The memo data is a text listing that can be used to describe and document the operation of the program. It is downloaded to the device with the other program details. When the device is loaded with a new program the memo will be saved into the memory pages. It is loaded in reverse order starting at page 64 and proceeding forward until the entire memo is saved. Each memory page can store 32 memo characters so you can store quit a detailed memo. However if the memo is too long, it will get cut off at the end when the program instructions are loaded. Also the memo may get overwritten during operation of the device if the results data requires more space than the available spare pages. If this happens it’s not really a problem. It just means you should use a shorter memo.

When programming, only save Results Data for steps that you want to record in the Results Data section. This is good practice. Do not save any more data than required. Also unnecessary Results Data will clutter up the console Results Data display.

In summary, the 64 pages of available memory program are shared between these 3 uses. If you use less for one use then it is available for the other uses.

There is other data that is also stored in the device such as the routing statements, calibration data, battery details, program name etc. etc. However these other items have their own separate memory and are not competing for any of the 64 pages.